2call.ca - Index 

Welcome to the new 2call.ca web interface. This system is designed to improve vastly upon our original communications service with: fully-customizable call scripting, multiple new campaign-types (press-1, call center, etc.), and a full-service data mining system! Please login below to explore the new service, and email matt@racknine.com if you have any questions.

If you're a user of 2call.racknine.com and are seeing this message, please try your login credentials below. If they don't work contact us at the email address above and we'll get you setup quickly.

R9 Account: 

(Your R9 account is the account name used
when initially signing up for services. Please
refer to your welcome email for details)

 (c) 2025 RackNine Inc. All Rights Reserved. not logged in.